Ведущий специалист по финансовой отчетности/Экономист
RESUME March 21 2022
Belokonskaya Natalya
Phones: mobile 8 988 6706691
connection: e-mail : nata.gold.74@bk.ru
Education: Financial and economic.
NP "International Institute of Certified Accountants and Auditors" professional certification of
specialists in finance and accounting, St. Petersburg February - May 2013.
GOU VPO "Nevinnomyssk State Humanitarian and Technical Institute" 2008
Basic in formation: an experienced user of accounting programs 1C: version 8.3. SAP CRM .
Higher / professional education in the field of accounting / finance.
Confident user of applications (Word, Excel, Bank Client, electronic document management);
Personal qual ities: attentiveness, competence, Purposeful, punctual. Analytic mind.
Setting priority tasks, focused on the result, the ability to analyze and perform work by the
deadline, I have a strong responsibility, confidentiality. Best teamwork .
Personal qualities:
Work experience: leading accountant, stocks, production and sales. Fields of activity:
construction, agency services, design, transportation of gas along highways, services.
January 2020 - November 2021 "Zodchiy Dvor" LLC accountant o f the 1st category
Timely and accurate reflection of business transactions in 1C 8.2. Inventory of payments.
Reconciliation acts with the counterparties. Entering into the program accounting primary documents,
work with bank accounts (Sberbank of Russia J SC; Raiffeisenbank JSC).
Production. Receipt of construction materials, certificates of works performed by third -party
contractors, services rendered. Collecting quality certificates of materials, specifications, specifications
and drawings necessary for primary documentation.
2020 year. Joint Stock Company Design Institute "Anapagradzhanproekt"
Reconciliations with the enterprises of the Holding, branches, contractors, budget. Maintenance of
production accounts: 20, 26, 08, 01, 76, 79, 51, 52, 55, 60, 62, 90, 91, 98.
Timely closing of accounting accounts in accordance with the sales documents at the end of the
Implementation of services account 62 and settlements with suppliers and contractors account 60.
Formation of the sales book and the purchase book. Control of the receipt and correct execution of
primary accounting documents. Managing document requirements. Reconciliation of accounts with
buyers and suppliers. Subcontractors.
Summary of completed projects from the start of construction in contract analytics.
Distribution of payments in the system in accordance with the approved regulation, classification for
the Investment project.
Compilation of the Register of payments. Control of the availability of the necessary package of
documents for making a payment
Entering new Counterparties, Contracts and other documents into the Database with file attachments.
2019 year. Branch number 18 Gazprom gas distribution joint stock company
Accounting and Economic Analysis Department
Work on implementa tion (population, non -commercial and legal organizations) services of high and
low pressure gas pipelines, equipment replacement, installation of meters, repair, construction of new
pipelines, highways.
Drawing up registers of work performed (report on the implementation) for a piece of wages of
masters and specialists of the organization.
Transfer to the archive of primary accounting documentation
December 2017 - December 2018 Stroy -Invest Construction Company LLC
Accountant of a construction site.
Maintai ning accounting and tax records in full. Accounting and control of payment under contracts
(deliveries; leasing; subcontracting.) Compilation of regulatory reports. Reconciliations with
contractors, buyers and suppliers. Maintenance of fixed production ass ets; intangible assets; capital
investments. The procedure for maintaining capital construction, repair, preparation costs for
commissioning. Accounting for construction contracts. Drawing up documents to obtain an
environmental passport of the object. Wor k in the Bank -client. Transfer of current payments; salary
(salary project); taxes and fees. Closing of the accounts of the main production. Registration of
construction forms (Intermediate results of KS -2, KS -3, write -off of M -29, M -15). Formation of
impl ementation (sales book).
Submission of reports Kontur Extern to social funds and tax inspections.
Passage of cameral tax audits.
May 2015 - October 2017 Wellness Center "Premier" Lead Accountant.
Guide to accounting. Maintaining contracts of production and economic activities. Reflection on
accounting accounts of economic operations. Purchase books, and sales book, calculations with
suppliers and buyers, accounting received advances. Formation of the cost of realized products,
general economic and commer cial expenses. Control the correctness of the design of economic
operations. Calculations of the taxable database for property. Land tax. Drawing up a declaration of
value added tax and profit.
January 2014 - March 2015 Chernomorvis limited liability compa ny
Field of activity: Logistics, transportation services for foreign vessels.
Acts of verification. Provided operational financing, the fulfillment of payment obligations, the reflection
of the changes in the solvency of the enterprise, the state of settl ements; exhibited bills for payment.
Implementation at rates 0% and 18%. and recoverable expenses. Registration of documents to
ensure the preparation of transaction passports. Formation of internal reporting and accounting and
tax registers on Russian PBU s.
Accounting and tax accounting for the general system, work with contracts with counterparties, work
with credit institutions under loan agreements and bank reporting, calculation of the cost of materials.
Opening and maintenance of p \ accounts in ruble s and currency. Support of the imported transaction
of the Raiffeisenbank currency branch. Obtaining codes for the placement and transportation of goods
on the railway line. Contract for the supply of inert materials. Currency conversion. Payments in
curre ncy.
I have: - Knowledge of the requirements of the Russian Rules of Accounting and International
Financial Reporting Standards
- Experience with monthly accrual reporting
- Ability to work independently
- Strong ability to meet sensitive deadlines with high precision
-Effective verbal and written communication skills
I look forward to any opportunity to discuss the position and what I can do
For your company. I Believe vision and values align with the company and that I’d be an
excellent fit for your organization.
Thank you for your time in reviewing my resume.
Mrs . Belokonskaya.
26 октября, 2016
26 лет (26 июля 1998)
26 октября, 2016
65 лет (27 июля 1958)
28 июля, 2016
68 лет ( 1 января 1957)